Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hello World - Introduction

Hello, everyone, I am Ashlee Green and I would like to introduce myself and this new blog. I am fifteen years old and a complete geek who loves photography, reading, writing, art, history, collecting, video games, and more. When not focused on school and it's related activities - some being ASB, FBLA, Book Club, etc. - I immerse myself in the world of photography. Being in Yearbook, I already have a daily interaction with cameras and photo-editing programs such as Photoshop. While I do not have professional training, I find photography an endless hobby of mine.
My strongest skills lay in human photography and close-up nature shots. Although I also expand my skills by doing landscape from time to time.
Over the summer, I lost both of my compact cameras due to weather issues. Both surprisingly took magnificent photos that I have received numerous comments on. As of now, any pictures I take are done with the school Nikon cameras. In my posts, I will specify the exact camera type.
Along with photography, I am huge in Sci-Fi and fantasy books, and numerous video games on platforms of PC, Kindle, PS3, Xbox One, and so forth. I love writing poetry and sci-fi, reading the previously mentioned genres, listening to a variety of music (EDM, Violin, Piano, Alternative Rock, etc.), gaming, and exploring the tiny town of 400 I live in.
My goal within this blog is to share my love of photography with you. Whether that be through my own pictures, a series of tips and techniques, travel locations, comparisons of editing, or anything falling along those lines, I will offer it to you. So please, join this adventure of the Stem of Heart Photography with me.

Thank you all for reading,
Ashlee Green